It’s been a month since my last update. Sometimes the weight of everything feels overwhelming and it’s difficult to find words.
There’s. just. so. much.
We’re still here. I’m thankful and grateful and determined. No matter what.

Production Update
New packaging is here! Handwrapped, ballet slipper pink, with full product information on the packaging. There’s an entrepreneurship quote by Reid Hoffman, founder of Linkedin, that says, “If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”
I don’t know why I didn’t think to put #allthethings on the packaging! It’s embarrassing to admit it didn’t cross my mind but I’m making up for my lack of foresight now! Ha!
Entrepreneurship is about constantly learning, improving on first iterations of products, solving problems, and always trying to be better than you were yesterday. I’m always learning.
In the packaging photos in the header, you’ll notice that Oscar Blush is missing from the product lineup; it was a limited edition, and there are only 15 lipsticks left! In this new production run, we have a brand new lipstick!Midnight Blush, a deep midnight blue flower!
I’ve also upgraded ALL of our ingredients! I removed the scent from the lipsticks so that they would be hypoallergenic. Some women aren’t able to have any kind of scent near their faces due to allergies. I wanted to make the lipstick more accessible.
Due to COVID, not all of our ingredient suppliers survived. I was able to find suppliers in France who are providing essential ingredients for our lipsticks!
We are no longer using palm oil – I wanted to ensure we are eco-friendly. We are continuing to use only vegan, plant-based ingredients including coconut oil and vitamin E. We’ve increased our moisturizing capabilities!
Anticipated shipping date is delayed again. It’s now looking like we’ll have completed inventory between Nov 2 – Dec 2. With ingredients coming from all over the world, logistics are a little bit difficult.

I’ve hired a logistics company to help me navigate the changes both within the USA with UPS/USPS and internationally. Even shipments from within the USA to destinations in another state have slowed down.
While there is much uncertainty in the world, some things remain the same. Blush & Whimsy is still here. We still believe in magic. We still believe in you. We’ll do everything we can to get your orders to you as soon as humanly possible.
We are here for you